Careers - Preparing for adulthood

All students receive careers education, information, advice and guidance throughout their time at Hopescourt School.

At Hopescourt School our aim is for all of our students to become happy, healthy, resilient and included adults, who participate in, and contribute towards society. To enable our students to be happy and active citizens we have created a curriculum that creates a space that provides personalised learning opportunities that generate the best possible outcomes for learners and also to be excellent in developing individual personal development for all students – leaders make leaders.

Our careers education, information, advice and guidance forms part of our Personal Development curriculum. Supporting students to learn to flourish. It is inclusive of the needs of all of our students with the aim to ensure a smooth transition to their next destination after Hopescourt. We adhere to the government’s statutory Careers guidance and access for education and training providers published in January 2023, which sets out the plan for building a high-quality careers system that will help all young people to achieve, whether they follow an academic, technical or vocational route. As part of this guidance all schools must use ‘The Gatsby Benchmarks’ to improve their careers provision:

The Gatsby Benchmarks

  1. A stable careers programme.
  2. Learning from career and labour market information.
  3. Addressing the needs of each pupil.
  4. Linking curriculum learning to careers.
  5. Encounters with employers and employees.
  6. Experiences of workplaces.
  7. Encounters with further and higher education.
  8. Personal guidance.

Careers Education at Hopescourt School

At Hopescourt School  we ensure careers education is an intrinsic part of our curriculum offer through:

  • regular careers lessons as part of our Personal Development curriculum. 
  • weekly 'Moving forward to flourish' activities in tutor groups, these activities cover topics linked to post 16 and employment, alongside links to e.g. financial literacy.
  • weekly work experience for Year 11 students
  • careers fairs
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